Donate to The Equiticity Racial Equity Movement.

Help operationalize racial equity, mobility justice, and environmental justice.

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raised towards $75,000 goal



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Help operationalize racial equity, mobility justice, and environmental justice.

Equiticity: The Next Chapter

Dear Equiticity Family,

What happens when we turn on the Power, and Equity moves like electricity through our homes, streets, neighborhoods, and cities?

What systems will we transform? What outcomes will we achieve? What possibilities will this create? What leaders will we inspire?

For the past seven years, Equiticity has been imagining and creating the answers to these questions. We are a racial equity movement, operationalizing racial equity by harnessing our collective power through research, advocacy, programs, Community Mobility Rituals, and social enterprises. We are starting an exciting new chapter of advancing racial equity by working at the intersection of mobility justice, environmental justice, and public health.

Investing in The Equiticity Racial Equity Movement helps realize community projects, including:

  • The Go Hub: A Community Mobility Center, a physical space for community- and power-building, providing access to the necessary hardware (mobility devices and infrastructure) and software (Community Mobility Rituals and socialization programs) to increase mobility in two Chicago neighborhoods - North Lawndale and Bronzeville.
  • BikeForce, a workforce development program focused on introducing our community's youth to emerging technologies, including e-bikes, e-scooters, battery systems, and electric motors, and preparing them for further education and training.
  • Community Mobility Rituals, community bicycle rides, neighborhood walking tours, public transit excursions, group scooter rolls, and open street festivals, all designed to increase social cohesion and collective efficacy, as tools to increase mobility and reduce violence at the neighborhood level.
  • Research and Advocacy, research conducted with university and local partners that underpins our advocacy initiatives, executed in collaboration with a network of partner organizations in Chicago and across the US.

Equiticity’s vision is the creation of a mid- to large-size U.S. city where racial equity is fully integrated at the policy and legislative levels into every function, department, resource, and budget associated with the city’s operations, services, and programs. This city will serve as a global model for the rest of the world on how to normalize, prioritize, and operationalize racial equity, as an equitably moving flow of resources contributing to reducing violence, improving health, creating jobs, and ultimately making our neighborhoods and cities more livable for Black, Brown, Indigenous people.

Please join our racial equity movement by investing today and inviting your network to do the same.

Thank you for your generous support of our racial equity movement.

May our collective journey to freedom continue.

Warm regards,

Olatunji Oboi Reed
President & CEO, The Equiticity Racial Equity Movement
773-916-6264 | @theycallmeOboi |
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What happens when we turn on the Power, and Equity moves like electricity through our homes, streets, neighborhoods, and cities?


Power + Equity >